every ttrpg i have ever played
gm'd games
- D20 Modern
- Blades in the Dark (player and GM)
- Cats of Cathulhu (GM)
- Beam Saber (GM)
- Idiot Teenagers With A Death Wish (player)
- Heart (GM)
- Interstitial 2e (player)
- Metafiction (GM)
- Troika! (player)
- World Wide Wrestling 2e (player and GM)
- Realis Ashcan (player)
gmless games
- Follow
- Firebrands
- The Sundered Land
- Divine||Mundane
- The Quiet Year
- Fiasco
- Kingdom 1e + 2e
- Karma
- The King is Dead
- Star Crossed
- This Town is Full of Monsters
- Microscope
- Random Access Histories
- Uneven Orbits
- Dream Apart
- Lightning Kissed
- Celestial Bodies, Orbital Mechanics
- Venture
- Stewpot
- Ech0
- Icarus
- Things, Eldritch and Terrifying
- Yarnspinner
- Spindlewheel
- i'm sorry did you say street magic
- The Best Around
- Protocol (custom playset)
- Goblin Country
- House
- Dark Sentencer
- In The Air Tonight
- Navigator
- And You Shall Shatter Temples
- Ariadne and Bob
- Anomaly
- Time to Drop
- Zoetrope
- Dialect
- Doing the Job